View of bags with US humanitarian aid goods in Cucuta, Colombia, on the border with Tachira, Venezuela, on February 8, 2019. - Venezuelan military officers blocked a bridge on the border with Colombia ahead of an anticipated humanitarian aid shipment, as opposition leader Juan Guaido stepped up his challenge to President Nicolas Maduro's authority. (Photo by Raul Arboleda / AFP)

Febrero 11,2019.- La Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional, Usaid, envió cajas con ayuda humanitaria para Venezuela que por el momento se encuentran en un Centro de Acopio en Cúcuta, ciudad fronteriza de Colombia con Venezuela.

Según un comunicado de la agencia estadounidense, la primera fase de asistencia, mejorará las vidas de miles de venezolanos e incluye:

Kits de alimentos comprados localmente, que contienen artículos como aceite vegetal, harina, lentejas y arroz, que podrían ayudar a satisfacer las necesidades básicas de más de 5,000 venezolanos durante 10 días;

Kits de higiene comprados localmente que contienen jabón, cepillos de dientes y pasta de dientes y otros artículos de higiene personal, suficientes para más de 7,500 venezolanos por 10 días;

Suplementos nutricionales ricos en proteínas y de alta energía de una fábrica en Rhode Island, conocidos como alimentos suplementarios listos para usar (RUSF, por sus siglas en inglés), para tratar a aproximadamente 6,700 niños venezolanos con desnutriciónmoderada durante aproximadamente dos meses.

Galletas de alta energía de un productor en Indonesia que están llenas de vitaminas y minerales que podrían servir como un reemplazo temporal de comidas o prevenir la desnutrición aguda en una emergencia para 10,000 escolares venezolanos por un mes; y

Equipos médicos de emergencia que contienen suministros médicos y productos farmacéuticos que pueden salvar vidas, cada uno de los cuales podría servir a una población de 10,000 en hospitales y centros de salud comunitarios durante 90 días.

Firefighters and civil defense officers arrange US humanitarian aid goods in Cucuta, Colombia, on the border with Tachira, Venezuela, on February 8, 2019. – Venezuelan military officers blocked a bridge on the border with Colombia ahead of an anticipated humanitarian aid shipment, as opposition leader Juan Guaido stepped up his challenge to President Nicolas Maduro’s authority. (Photo by Raul ARBOLEDA / AFP)
Workers organise humanitarian aid for Venezuela at a warehouse near the Tienditas cross-border bridge between Colombia and Venezuela in Cucuta, Colombia, February 8, 2019. REUTERS/Luisa Gonzalez
Workers organise humanitarian aid for Venezuela at a warehouse near the Tienditas cross-border bridge between Colombia and Venezuela in Cucuta, Colombia, February 8, 2019. REUTERS/Luisa Gonzalez
A volunteer carries a bag with US humanitarian aid goods in Cucuta, Colombia, on the border with Tachira, Venezuela, on February 8, 2019. – Venezuelan military officers blocked a bridge on the border with Colombia ahead of an anticipated humanitarian aid shipment, as opposition leader Juan Guaido stepped up his challenge to President Nicolas Maduro’s authority. (Photo by Raul Arboleda / AFP)
View of bags with US humanitarian aid goods in Cucuta, Colombia, on the border with Tachira, Venezuela, on February 8, 2019. – Venezuelan military officers blocked a bridge on the border with Colombia ahead of an anticipated humanitarian aid shipment, as opposition leader Juan Guaido stepped up his challenge to President Nicolas Maduro’s authority. (Photo by Raul Arboleda / AFP)
A civbil defense officer arranges US humanitarian aid goods in Cucuta, Colombia, on the border with Tachira, Venezuela, on February 8, 2019. – Venezuelan military officers blocked a bridge on the border with Colombia ahead of an anticipated humanitarian aid shipment, as opposition leader Juan Guaido stepped up his challenge to President Nicolas Maduro’s authority. (Photo by Raul Arboleda / AFP)
View of boxes with US humanitarian aid goods in Cucuta, Colombia, on the border with Tachira, Venezuela, on February 8, 2019. – Venezuelan military officers blocked a bridge on the border with Colombia ahead of an anticipated humanitarian aid shipment, as opposition leader Juan Guaido stepped up his challenge to President Nicolas Maduro’s authority. (Photo by Raul ARBOLEDA / AFP)


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